Adair began serving First Baptist Church Laurens in 1995. She is a native of Virginia but spent most of her growing up years in Clinton, SC, where her father served as the pastor of First Baptist Church, Clinton. She is a graduate of Furman University (BA in Music Education) and Erskine Theological Seminary (Master of Church Music). Adair is passionate about helping children and adults develop and use their God-given gifts, especially in the area of music. She and her husband, Alex, are the proud parents of two adult children — Dean and Ali. Dean, a graduate of Clemson University, lives in Lafayette, CO with his wife, Chelsea, and two children, Everly and Warren. Ali, also a Clemson graduate, with her husband, Wills, and their two children, Noah and Reese, in Greenville, SC. Adair enjoys cooking, traveling and especially enjoys planning fellowship opportunities for her church family.
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