
Adults Ministry

Engaging in the study of Scriptures is a cornerstone of deepening your connection with God. Through dedicated time spent reading, discussing, and reflecting on the Bible, we gain profound insights into God's character and His purpose for our lives.

We encourage individuals of all ages, from preschoolers to seniors, to participate in a Bible study. Our Sunday School and small group classes offer a supportive environment for believers to come together, fostering a sense of community beyond worship. These gatherings also provide opportunities for fellowship, lively discussions, mutual support during challenging times, social interactions, and involvement in meaningful missions.

Our diverse range of classes caters to various ages and interests. Whether grouped by age, gender, or centered around specific topics, each class offers a unique perspective on the Scriptures.

2025 Spring Semester Programs

Sunday 6pm // Adult Discipleship Training Class

Resumes January 26

In prayer, we have been given a great gift. The one who created us and holds our destiny in his hands, as an act of great love, desires to connect with each of us. We can talk to God. We can tell him about our day. We can hear Him speak by His Spirit through scripture. We can ask for miracles. We can know God.

We are invited to pray. But when Jesus' disciples asked about prayer, to teach them how to do it, he did not respond with a class, an instruction manual, or even words of encouragement. Instead, He gave them a prayer... 

Join us each Sunday night in February and March at 6:00 PM and join us on a journey of learning to make the Lord's Prayer our own!

Adult Discipleship Training Class

Sunday 6pm // Bobo Hall

Sunday 6pm // Men's Bible Study

Resumes January 26

~ or ~

Tuesday 7am // Men's Bible Study

Resumes January 28

Our book study during the Winter/Spring will be S.H.A.P.E- Finding and Fulfilling Our

Unique Purpose for Life by Erik Rees.

S.H.A.P.E. is an acronym that stands for Spiritual gifts, Heart (passions), Abilities,

Personality, and Experiences. Each of us has been uniquely designed by God for a

particular mission/ministry in this world and understanding our own unique S.H.A.P.E.

helps us to discover that divinely ordained path.

Men's Bible Study

S.H.A.P.E.: Finding and Fulfilling Your Unique Purpose for Life by Erik Rees

Sunday  6pm // Craft Room

~ or ~

Tuesday 7am // Craft Room

Cost: $10 (to cover cost of book; available at the church office beginning Sunday, January 19)

Identical curriculum is used for both study groups; please join us for the time that works best for you. For more information on our Men’s Bible Studies, contact Tommy Cox at

Sunday 5pm // Well Women's Bible Study

Resumes January 19

We are starting a new study called Jesus and Women by Kristi McLelland.

"Imagine walking the dusty roads of Galilee with Jesus of Nazareth—braving jostling crowds just to touch the edge of His cloak and hear Him say, “Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you.”

Those words, once meant to comfort a hurting woman’s soul thousands of years ago, were also meant for you.

Join biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland on those dusty roads as she transports you back to Jesus’ world, following in the footsteps of the women who came face-to-face with the Living God. Over 7 sessions, examine the historical and cultural climate of first-century Middle Eastern society to not only understand Jesus more deeply but to fuel your worship of Him today."

This is a 7 week study with videos and a study guide that will help you grow in your personal relationship with Jesus. Our first meeting will be a casual introduction to the book and a time for fellowship. Bring a friend and join us! 

Well Women's Bible Study

Jesus and Women: In the First Century and Now by Kristi McLelland

Sunday  5pm // Conference Room

Wednesday 6pm // Women's Bible Study

Resumes January 15

Geared towards women who are single, newly married, or have young children, this study opportunity takes advantage of Wednesday Night Children's activities to give young women an opportunity for discipleship and fellowship. 

This semester we will study "The Call" which focuses on the call that all Christians have to bear fruit in their families, careers, and friendships. 

Women's Bible Study

"The Call"

Wednesday 6pm // Fireside Room

Wednesday 6pm // Service of Prayer

Resumes January 15

Our desire is for this midweek Service of Prayer, led by Tim Marsh and Tommy Cox, to be different than what we think of when we think of prayer meetings. While we will pray for the needs of our church family and friends, we will also pray for our church, our community, our country, and our world. We will learn to pray from the prayers of Scripture, from the prayers of Christ followers down through the centuries, and from each other’s prayers.

Prayer is the most important spiritual discipline. It is powerful. And, it makes a difference!

Service of Prayer

Wednesday 6pm // Easterby Chapel

Self Paced Guided Study of Scripture // Our Daily S.O.A.P.

S.O.A.P. = Scripture. Observation. Application. Prayer. 

We know that schedules can be busy and can keep you from participating in one of our in person studies. That's why we offer Our Daily S.O.A.P., a self paced guided study of scripture. When you signup, you will receive a daily email that focuses on a different chapter of scripture. During your devoted quite time - whether that be early in the morning, in the carpool line or when the house becomes quiet at night -  read the scripture. Take time to listen to how God is speaking to you. Apply this in your own personal stage in life. Pray. Each email includes a example of someone's personal S.O.A.P. to help you get started. 

S.O.A.P. Reading Schedule:

  • January 1 - 16: Luke 9 - 24
  • January 17 - 26: Psalms 60 - 69
  • January 27 - 31: James 1 - 5
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