Fisher Humphreys' The Heart of Prayer is a timeless classic. In a simple, yet profound, manner, Humphreys embarks on a journey, asking us to follow along with him, to uncover the answers to common questions about prayer:
- What is Prayer?
- Do our prayers make a difference?
- How do we learn to pray?
- How do our prayers align with God's purposes?
Join us each Sunday evening in August and September, beginning August 18, as we consider these important questions about the practice of prayer and the God to whom we pray. Taught by David Corley, Tim Marsh, and John Topping, this class will surely challenge and enhance the practice of prayer in your life.
Sunday Evening Adult Discipleship Training
August-September Class
The Heart of Prayer by Fisher Humphreys
Bobo Hall
Cost: $10 (to cover cost of book)
Coming up next (October - November): Pastor Tim will teach The Lord's Prayer using his own cirriculum prepared for our church. Join us for this practical experiement in transformative prayer.