FBCL Endowment FAQs

The Endowment Fund

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is the Endowment Fund?

    The First Baptist Church Laurens Endowment Fund is a permanent fund established so that the values and legacy of Christian faith shared by our members can live on and further God’s work through our church for generations to come. Gifts to the Endowment Fund become a part of a perpetual fund with earnings used to advance FBCL’s ministries and mission activities.

    The Fund is built entirely upon the vision and generosity of FBCL members and is totally separate from the church’s annual operating budget and reserve funds. Available funds are distributed to support projects above and beyond normal budgeted items.

    The Fund provides a means for FBCL members to express special thanks to God for the many blessings and gifts you have received, and it enables you to return a portion of assets accumulated during your life’s work.

  • Who manages the Fund?

    The Fund is managed by the Investment Committee, which is selected by the Nominating Committee and approved by the Deacon Council. The Investment Committee administers the Endowment to ensure the preservation and growth of funds and manages gifts made through such avenues as wills, insurance, real estate or outright donations. The principal from these gifts is invested and distributions are used to strengthen and expand the ministries of the church.

    The Investment Committee consists of four at-large members (2024 at-large members are Herbert Adams, Maxie Burns, Jack Griffin, Jon Henderson), the Deacon Chair (Randy Downs), the Finance Chair (Jeff Thompson), the Church Treasurer (Randy Garrett) and the Senior Pastor (Tim Marsh).

  • How is the Fund invested?

    Funds are invested with TNB Financial Services under the prudent guidance of the Investment Committee.

  • How large does my gift have to be?

    Gifts of all sizes are important to the growth of the Endowment Fund. Every gift increases the earning power of the Fund, thus, each gift is significant to the cumulative impact of the Fund.

  • What makes a gift to the Endowment different from other forms of giving?

    The FBCL Endowment Fund is a permanent fund. Your gift will continue to make a difference in the lives of those who will follow after us. Earnings are used to enhance FBCL’s ministries apart from the general operations of the church.

  • Are my gifts tax deductible?

    Yes. Gifts to the FBCL Endowment Fund are deductible for income tax purposes. Bequests, legacies and all gifts of value are generally exempt from estate and gift taxes. You may wish to consult with your tax professional before making a commitment.

  • How can I give to the Endowment Fund?

    All gifts are welcome and each is important! Examples of gifts that can ensure the perpetuity and expansion of FBCL and its ministries are:

    • Cash
    • Wills (Bequests)
    • Stocks/Bonds
    • Trusts
    • Memorial Gifts
    • Life Insurance
    • Real Estate/Property
  • Would I have to rewrite my will?

    Many gifts can be made to the Endowment in a manner that does not involve changing your will. You may wish to amend your will through a simple codicil, a legal document that changes provisions to your will.

  • How are Endowment Funds used?

    The Endowment Fund was created to ensure sound financial support for the future of our church. The two primary outlets for distributions from the Fund will be special capital needs and expanded mission work, but distributions may also be used for other ministries of the church.

  • Will my gift remain confidential?

    All gifts or donations to the Endowment Fund are treated with strict confidentiality. If you are considering a memorial or honorary gift, the family or individual will be notified of the gift if you so desire. The Investment Committee may recognize contributors to the Fund through church publications or at events. However, if you wish to remain anonymous, your wishes will be honored.

  • What if I've already included First Baptist Laurens in my estate plans?

    THANK YOU!  If FBCL is already in your plans, we’d love to know. Having accurate records helps the church know how to administer your gift; and, we would like to thank you in person. Your gift will remain completely confidential and, if you prefer, can be anonymous. If you’re willing to let us know about your plans we thank you in advance.

  • How can I get more information about the FBCL Endowment Fund?

    We will be happy to answer your questions and refer you to the appropriate contact or resources for further information. You may contact any member of the Investment Committee.

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